We shape the Energy Transition

Grid-connected battery storage

Holistic energy

ju:niz Energy develops and operates intelligent large-scale storage systems that are system-, grid- and economically efficient.
The value chain includes

Project development – from land procurement to grid connection

Project management – planning, construction and commissioning of the system

Technical operation including maintenance

and commercial operation, including management of marketers and optimization of operations.
Unser Portfolio

For me, sustainable management means considering the value chain as a whole.

Gabriele Schmiedel
Managing Director ju:niz Energy

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find important terms relating to battery storage

What are the use cases for battery storage?
Battery storage systems can be used to support the grid and for the end user, e.g. for optimizing self-consumption or for peak load capping.
What are system services for battery storage?
Primary control power, secondary control power, reactive power compensation.
What are the components of a storage system?
A battery storage system consists of the mains connection, transformer, power electronics, battery racks with batteries, fan, air conditioning, control electronics and the necessary operating software.
Unsere Mitgliedschaften

Who we work with

Logo: Bundesverband Energiespeicher Systeme
Logo: Bayern Innovativ
Logo: Zentrum Wasserstoff Bayern H2.B

Contact us

Büro Aschheim Empfang
ju:niz Energy GmbH
Einsteinring 43
85609 Aschheim

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